Industrial production engineer with understanding in business operations and engineer tools for effective analysis of data. Passionate about data science and urban mobility researching. I have a constant desire to be part of new experiences because it makes me grow as a professional and as a person. I love working with multidisciplinary teams and together be part of amazing discoveries, not only for our own learning but also to contribute to others with our knowledge and impact society in a positive way.
BEng in Industrial Production, 2020
Costa Rica Institute of Technology
I will share my experience of the RStudio Scholarship workshop led by Alison Hill and share my journey in creating my own personal website and show some examples of how to customize it to make it unique.
Publicación de proyecto de graduación en Informe del Estado de la Nación 2020
A simple guide for your data science journey.
¡No te pierdas el primer Live Coding Session de Grupo DABIA!
Invitación del grupo CAS del TEC para impartir un taller abierto a todo público.
Estudiantes y egresados del TEC crean App que contabiliza casos de Covid-19 en el país.
Somos una comunidad de interés multidisciplinaria en ciencia de datos…
Delegate tasks to the team members for course topics and manage deadlines and progress to ensure the project is delivered on time.
Network and contact other women in data around the world.
Columnist in the field of data engineering, governance, analysis, and business intelligence.
Hold free educational talks and courses to share each acquired knowledge and motivate other people.
Develop of application based on master and PhD thesis related with coffee rust.
High level interaction with professional researchers.
Optimize the “shiny app” application in R to improve the user experience.
Machine learning in statistics models for short term traffic flow in highway San José - Caldera as an input for intelligent transport systems and the estimation of the social cost for the delay.
Contribute to the annual report based on the research project findings.
Complementary research in last-mile logistics, urban mobility, e-commerce and industrial ecology.
Market analysis using statistical techniques, and data analysis in order to study the behavior of the current market for decision-making.
Coordinate the first event of decarbonizing transport , our special guest: Claudia Dobles.